1916350115ADHD – Yes or No?

Maybe you’re not sure if you have ADHD. You could have taken one of those online tests and fallen into the ambiguous “you may have ADHD” category.

But you know it’s hard to stay focused and patient and sit for long periods. It may feel challenging to begin tasks or complete them. And then find yourself “procrastinating.”

Anxiety is resting on your shoulders, and that critical voice is getting louder: “Why can’t you do what you need to do? You are so lazy. What is wrong with you?”

Maybe you know that you have ADHD.

Perhaps you take medicine, and it helps. But you still feel like something is missing – like you still don’t have a handle on things. That unhelpful, critical voice keeps saying annoying stuff like, “Here you are again, putting things off. Some things never change.

You feel like a failure or think you aren’t living up to your potential. Those thoughts get you down and make you wonder, “There must be something wrong with me.” 

Perhaps you had a bad experience with medicine, or it’s not for you. You want to figure out how to manage your ADHD symptoms. You’ve had some success, but you think you could make things easier for yourself.

1756024544ADHD is tricky.

The symptoms can go hand in hand with anxiety, depression, and even trauma. There are many reasons for this, which we can address in therapy.

Procrastination is not laziness. Instead, procrastination is a behavior caused by stress or unfounded negative beliefs about ourselves, possibly linked to fear, anxiety, ADHD, or another underlying issue.

We will uncover why getting started on things is hard in our work together. In a compassionate and nonjudgmental manner, we will understand why you struggle with specific tasks. Using Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, we can better understand how stress or other big emotions appear in your body.

We’ll also practice coping skills and body-regulating resources specific to ADHD symptom management. It is possible to feel better and more in control of your life.

If you do or don’t know that ADHD is the problem, please get in touch with me today, and let’s see if we can address the situation.